Youth Ministry
Children are a big focus at our church. The Bible teaches us to train them in the way they should go, and we start early. Sunday School classes, Vacation Bible School, carnivals, movie nights, tutoring help and much more are offered year-round in our church family! See what AWOT has to offer your child!
Disciple Training
Luke chapter 14 defines a disciple as someone who is abandoned and surrendered to Christ, someone who has an undivided heart that is wholly dedicated to loving the Lord. The call to discipleship is a call to leave the world behind and follow Jesus. Through studying God's word and being transformed by it, we are all called to discipleship. Join Disciples in Training today!

Women's Ministry
The women of Apostolic Way of Truth are on the move! This ministry encourages women in many roles to lead a Christ-devoted life. Our young women meet monthly to discuss topics at heart, ask questions, and share lessons and testimonies over lunch. Our mature women serve in all kinds of positions in the church and lead the younger women in wisdom. Women make this family strong. Support or join in today!
Men of Vision
We recognize the huge responsibility placed on men to be leaders, protectors, and providers for our family. Our desire is that every man be whole so that he can be these things. Through mentorship, small groups, and exclusive men-only biblical teaching, we are dedicated to fortifying our leaders. Join our brotherhood today!